
RBS implements the Remote Backup Service to remotely backup your HSMs. RBS is run on a workstation with a Luna Backup HSM connected.

RBS requires PEDclient to be running both on the RBS computer and on the host of the Luna HSM primary (the HSM being backed-up from, or being restored-to). PEDclient enables the communication link over which RBS works.

PEDclient is also used in conjunction with PEDserver to enable Remote PED, and in the case where both the Backup HSM and the Remote PED are connected to the same administrative workstation, you might legitimately have all three of RBS, PEDserver, and PEDclient running on the one system.


rbs [--daemon] [--genkey] [--nopassword] [--config] [--help]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
--config -c Runs RBS to select devices to support for Remote Backup.
--daemon -d Runs RBS in daemon (background) mode (Linux/UNIX only).
--genkey -g Runs RBS to generate private key/certificate for Remote Backup.
--help -h Displays help information for the rbs command.
--nopassword -n Require no password for encoded keys.


[admin@myluna bin] # ./rbs --config   
[admin@myluna bin]# [admin@myluna bin] # ../rbs/bin/rbs --daemon   
Enter password : ********   
[admin@myluna bin]# [admin@myluna bin] # ./rbs --genkey   
Enter password : ********   
Verify password: ********      
[admin@myluna bin]# [admin@myluna bin] # ./rbs --nopassword   
[admin@myluna bin]#