Luna HSM Client 10.7.0

Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 was released in December 2023. It includes bug fixes and security updates.

>Download Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 for Windows

>Download Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 for Linux

>Download Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 for AIX

>Download Minimal Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 for Linux

>Download Minimal Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 for ARM64 (see ARM64 Architecture Minimal Client Support)

NOTE   This version of Luna HSM Client is compatible with Luna HSMs with firmware 6.2.1 and newer. Features that do not have client version dependencies will function without issue. However, Thales has some recommendations when using certain firmware versions. See General Version Compatibility Recommendations.

New Features and Enhancements

Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 includes the following new features and enhancements:

Change the Crypto Officer Password for All Members of an HA Group with a Single Command

Perform transparent CO password rotation across every partition in an HA group, with a single instance of new command partition changepw [for HA], to maintain high availability and meet the latest security requirements. Requires Luna HSM Client version 10.7.0.

Update HA Group Status in Near-Real-Time

Get up-to-date HA group member status with a new PKCS Extension, also replicated by CKDemo option 49, that returns a status check of all members of an HA group within three seconds. Requires Luna HSM Client version 10.7.0. See Rapid HA group status checking.

Update of Client Private Key Encryption Algorithm

The private key encryption algorithm used in NTLS connections, is upgraded from TDES/DES3 to AES-256-CBC (see the vtl createCert and vtl createCSR commands). Requires Luna HSM Client version 10.7.0.


Support for ARM64 processor is added via minimal client.

Supported Operating Systems

You can install Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 on the following operating systems:

Operating System Version
Windows 10, 11
Windows Server Standard 2022
Windows Server Core 2022
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.8, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 (**)
Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) 8.8
Red Hat-based Linux (including variants like CentOS and Oracle Enterprise Linux)

8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 (**)

AIX 7.2, 7.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (minimal client only) 15

Ubuntu *

Debian 11

* The Linux installer for Luna HSM Client software is compiled as .rpm packages. To install on a Debian-based distribution, such as Ubuntu, alien is used to convert the packages. We used build-essential:

apt-get install build-essential alien

If you are using a Docker container or another such microservice to install the Luna Minimal Client on Ubuntu, and your initial client installation was on another supported Linux distribution as listed above, you do not require alien. Refer to the product documentation for instructions. You might need to account for your particular system and any pre-existing dependencies for your other applications.

** RHEL and CentOS 8.0-9.0 with their original kernels. See also Luna HSM Client 10.7.0.

Secure Boot Support

Luna HSM Client can be used on all supported OS platforms in the table above, with Secure Boot enabled. If you are using Luna HSM Client to access partitions on a Luna Network HSM 7 only, no drivers are required. On Windows, the drivers for all other Luna HSM variants and components (Luna PCIe HSM 7, Luna USB HSM 7, Luna Backup HSM 7, Luna Backup HSM G5, Luna PED) are signed by Thales for use with Windows Secure Boot. In both these cases, you can proceed with the standard Luna HSM Client Software Installation or Luna Minimal Client Install for Linux procedure.

On Linux, these drivers are compiled for the host OS during Luna HSM Client installation. If Secure Boot is enabled on the host system, these drivers must be signed as directed by the host OS provider:

>Secure Boot on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

>Secure Boot on Ubuntu

>Secure Boot on Debian

On AIX, no hardware drivers are included; only Luna Network HSM 7 partition access is supported.

ARM64 Architecture Minimal Client Support

You can install the minimal Luna HSM Client 10.7.0 on ARM64 computers with the following operating systems:

Operating System Version Secure Boot Supported
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.2 No
Debian 12 No
Ubuntu 18.04 No

ESXi Passthrough

Luna PCIe HSM 7, Luna USB HSM 7, Luna Backup HSM 7, and Luna Backup HSM G5 can be used in passthrough mode, connected to an ESXi host.

CAUTION!   You must set the ESXi power policy to High Performance to ensure that adequate power is supplied to the USB-connected devices.

The following combinations of ESXi version and virtual machine operating system are supported:

ESXi Version Supported VM OS's

ESXi 7.0

Windows 11, 2016, 2022
RHEL 8.7, 8.8, 9.1
Ubuntu 14.04, 18.04, 22.04
ESXi 6.7

RHEL 8.7, 8.8, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2

Ubuntu 21.04, 22.04

Windows 2016, 2022

ESXi 6.5 Windows Server Core 2019
Windows Server Core 2016

Supported Cryptographic APIs

Applications can perform cryptographic operations using the following APIs:

>PKCS#11 2.20


>Microsoft CAPI

>Microsoft CNG

>Supported Java versions:

Open JDK 7 up to Open JDK 21

Oracle Java 7 up to JDK 21

IBM Java 7, 8 and 11

Advisory Notes

This section highlights important issues you should be aware of before deploying Luna HSM Client 10.7.0.

Luna HSM Client 10.5.x on AIX Has Dependencies

Before installing Luna HSM Client 10.5.x for AIX, download and install libgcc10 from the IBM portal:


The LNHClientRegistration script will not work properly with the AIX-standard version of the sed utility. If you will use the LNHClientRegistration script to register your clients, download and install the GNU version of sed.


Backup/USB/PCIe Drivers Not Installed on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2022 Unless Device is Connected

Due to changes in Windows 10 and Server 2022, device drivers are not installed unless the USB or PCIe device is connected to the client workstation. If you plan to use a Luna Backup HSM 7, Luna Backup HSM G5, Luna USB HSM 7, or Luna PCIe HSM 7 with these operating systems, use one of the following workarounds:

>Connect the Luna device to the workstation (or install the Luna PCIe HSM 7 card) before installing the Luna HSM Client software

>After installing the Luna HSM Client software:

a.Connect the Luna device(s) to the workstation (or install the Luna PCIe HSM 7 card)

b.Run LunaHSMClient.exe.

c.Select the devices you want to install drivers for.

d.Click Modify.

Insecure SSH Ciphers Removed From Luna Appliance Software 7.8.0 and Newer

Thales has removed a number of less-secure SSH ciphers from Luna Appliance Software 7.8.0. As a consequence, older client versions may not be able to use SSH to access LunaSH. This affects SSH connections, pscp/scp file transfers, plink, and certain procedures that rely on these tools such as the One-Step NTLS Connection Procedure. To avoid connection problems, you must use the versions of pscp and plink from Luna HSM Client 10.4.0 or newer. If you use Linux-standard applications like scp or ssh, ensure that they are updated to the latest version.

The following ciphers have been removed:






Host-Based Accepted Key Types





Host Key Algorithms





Public Key Accepted Key Types




CentOS 8.4 Missing Dependency

Due to a missing dependency on CentOS 8.4 [specifically the symlink ( to libnsl was removed], when installing Luna HSM Client 10.5.0 or newer, you must install an additional rpm package first:

Run yum install libnsl before invoking the script.

CSP/KSP Registrations Can Fail if Windows Update Missing

CSP or KSP registration includes a step that verifies the DLLs are signed by our certificate that chains back to the DigiCert root of trust G4 (in compliance with industry security standards).

This step can fail if your Windows operating system does not have the required certificate. If you have been keeping your Windows OS updated, you should already have that certificate.

If your Luna HSM Client host is connected to the internet, use the following commands to update the certificate manually:

certutil -urlcache -f

certutil -addstore -f root DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crt

To manually update a non-connected host

1. Download the DigiCert Trusted Root G4 ( to a separate internet-connected computer.

2.Transport the certificate, using your approved means, to the Luna HSM Client host into a <downloaded cert path> location of your choice

3.Add the certificate to the certificate store using the command:

certutil -addstore -f root <downloaded cert path>

One-Step NTLS Fails on SUSE 11 Linux

Incompatibility of new Luna HSM Client components with older ones on SUSE 11 cause the one-step NTLS procedure to fail. Instead, use the multi-step procedure to establish an NTLS connection manually.

Refer to Multi-Step NTLS Connection Procedure.

Luna HSM Client No Longer Supports Luna PCIe HSM 6 on any platform

Luna HSM Client 10.5.0 and newer cannot be used with a Luna PCIe HSM 6 that might be present in the host. If you need to use a version 6.x HSM card with your application, install Luna HSM Client 10.3.0 or older for Windows, or Luna HSM Client 10.4.1 or older for Linux.

Luna HSM Client No Longer Supports Luna PCIe HSM 6 on Windows

Luna HSM Client 10.4.0 and newer cannot be used with an installed Luna PCIe HSM 6.

Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 is Ended

Luna HSM Client 10.3.0 is the last version that will support Windows Server 2012 R2.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 6 Support is Ended

Luna HSM Client 10.2.0 is the last version that will support RHEL 6 and related operating systems. If you plan to install future client updates, consider updating your clients to RHEL 7 or 8.

Support for 32-bit OS Platforms is Ended

Starting with Luna HSM Client 10.2.0, 32-bit libraries are no longer provided. If you have a 32-bit application or integration, remain with a previous client release (such as 7.2, 7.3, or 7.4), or migrate to 64-bit platform.

Older JAVA Versions Require Patch/Update

The .jar files included with Luna HSM Client 10.x have been updated with a new certificate, signed by the Oracle JCE root certificate. This certificate validation requires a minimum Oracle JDK/JRE version.

>If your application relies on Oracle Java 7 or 8, you must update to the advanced version provided by Oracle. You require (at minimum) version 7u131 or 8u121. Please refer to Oracle's website for more information:

>If your application relies on IBM Java 7 or 8, you must install a patch from IBM before updating to Luna HSM Client 10.x (see APAR IJ25459 for details).

CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID Messages in Mixed Luna Cloud HSM Implementations

When using a Luna Cloud HSM service with Luna HSM Client, you might encounter errors like "CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID" or "Error NCryptFinalizeKey" during some operations in Hybrid HA and FIPS mode (3DES Issue). This can occur if firmware versions differ between a Luna HSM partition and a Luna Cloud HSM service in an HA group when you invoke a mechanism that is supported on one but not the other. Similarly, if one member is in FIPS mode, while the other is not, a mechanism might be requested that is allowed for one member, but not the other. For example, the ms2luna tool can fail when 3DES operations are invoked.

Resolved Issue LUNA-7585: Java DERIVE and EXTRACT flag settings for keys injected into the HSM

Formerly, the DERIVE and EXTRACT flags were forced to "true" in the JNI, which overrode any values passed by applications via Java. This was resolved in Luna HSM Client 7.3.0.

As of Luna HSM Client 7.3.0:

>The default values for the DERIVE and EXTRACT flags are set to "false" (were set to “true” in previous releases).

>JNI accepts and preserves values set by applications via the following Java calls:

LunaSlotManager.getInstance().setSecretKeysDerivable( true ); 
LunaSlotManager.getInstance().setPrivateKeysDerivable( true );
LunaSlotManager.getInstance().setSecretKeysExtractable( true );
LunaSlotManager.getInstance().setPrivateKeysExtractable( true );

NOTE   If you have existing code that relies on the DERIVE and EXTRACT flags being automatically defined by the JNI for new keys, you will need to modify your application code to set the flag values correctly.

In cases where a derived key must be extractable, add the following line to the file:
