service start

Start a named service on the Luna Network HSM 7 appliance. Services usually need to be started only if they were stopped with a service stop command, or if the service stopped unexpectedly.

Use the service list command to display a list of services that you can stop.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




service start <service_name>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description

Specifies the service to start.

Valid values: cbs, cluster, clusteradmin, ctc, lsta, network, ntls, ntp, pedserver, snmp, ssh, stc, syslog, sysstat, webserver

-force -f Applies to the cluster service only. Including this option will force the cluster service to start, regardless of whether other members of the cluster can be reached. Use only with the guidance of a Thales Support Engineer.


lunash:>service start syslog

Starting syslog:                                           [  OK  ]

Command Result : 0 (Success)