hsm ped connect

Connect to a remote PED. This command instructs PedClient to attempt to connect to the Remote PED Server at the IP address and port specified on the command line, or configured using the hsm ped set command. See hsm ped set for more information.

Behavior when defaults are configured using hsm ped set

The hsm ped set command allows you to configure a default IP address and/or port for the Remote PED Server. These values are used if they are not specified when you issue the hsm ped connect command. The behavior of the hsm ped connect command when defaults are configured using hsm ped set is as follows:

Values set with
hsm ped set
Parameters specified by
hsm ped connect
IP address used Port used
IP address and port None IP address configured with hsm ped set. Port configured with hsm ped set.
IP address IP address specified by hsm ped connect Port configured with hsm ped set.
Port IP address configured with hsm ped set. Port specified by hsm ped connect
IP address and port IP address specified by hsm ped connect Port specified by hsm ped connect
IP address only None IP address configured with hsm ped set. Port 1503 (default).
IP address IP address specified by hsm ped connect Port 1503 (default).
Port IP address configured with hsm ped set. Port specified by hsm ped connect.
IP address and port IP address specified by hsm ped connect Port specified by hsm ped connect.
Port only None Error. You must use the -ip parameter to specify an IP address. Port configured with hsm ped set.
IP address IP address specified by hsm ped connect Port configured with hsm ped set.
Port Error. You must use the -ip parameter to specify an IP address.. Port specified by hsm ped connect
IP address and port IP address specified by hsm ped connect Port specified by hsm ped connect

Behavior when no defaults are configured using hsm ped set

If no defaults are configured using hsm ped set, you must specify at least an IP address. If no port is specified, the default port (1503) is used.

NOTE   To set up or erase a Remote PED vector, or to make or break the Remote PED connection, on an HSM that is externally connected to the Luna Network HSM 7, use the "-serial" option to specify the target HSM. If "-serial" is not specified, then the command acts on the Luna Network HSM 7's internal HSM card.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




hsm ped connect [-ip <ip_address>] [-port <port>] [-serial <serial_num>] [-force] [-password <password>]  

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-ip <ip_address> -i Specifies the IP Address of the remote Luna PED.
-password <password> -pa

Used to set up a one-time password-protected secure channel between an uninitialized HSM and the Luna PED, allowing you to securely initialize the orange (Remote PED Vector) key. This option allows you to specify a one-time password instead of using a randomly generated one when you are initializing the RPV remotely.

See Remote RPV Initialization for more information.

NOTE   This option is available only if you are using Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0 or newer and Luna HSM Client 10.3.0 or newer.

-port <port> -po

Network Port (0-65535).

Default: 1503

-serial <serial_num> -s Token Serial Number.


Connecting to a remote PED on a Luna Network HSM 7 with zeroized HSM and non-initialized RPV

lunash:>hsm ped c -ip 

Luna PED operation required to connect to Remote PED - use orange PED key(s). 

Luna PED operation required to connect to remote PED - Enter PED password: 37749794. 

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Connecting to a remote PED on a Luna Network HSM 7 with zeroized HSM, non-initialized RPV and provided manually defined password

lunash:>hsm ped c -ip -password 12345678 

Luna PED operation required to connect to Remote PED - use orange PED key(s). 

Luna PED operation required to connect to remote PED - Enter PED password: 12345678. 

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Connecting to a remote PED on a Luna Network HSM 7 with zeroized HSM, non-initialized RPV, and incorrect password was typed on PED

lunash:>hsm ped c -ip 

Luna PED operation required to connect to Remote PED - use orange PED key(s).  

Luna PED operation required to connect to remote PED - Enter PED password: 58592536. 

Error connecting to remote PED with error code: LUNA_RET_PED_DEK_INVALID 

Error for 'hsm ped connect': 0X300146 (LUNA_RET_PED_DEK_INVALID) 
Failed to connect the remote PED 

Command Result : 65535 (Luna Shell execution)

Connecting to a remote PED on a Luna Network HSM 7 with zeroized HSM and initialized RPV

lunash:>hsm ped c -ip 

Luna PED operation required to connect to Remote PED - use orange PED key(s).   

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Connecting to a remote PED on a Luna PED with zeroized HSM, initialized RPV and provided manual defined password:

lunash:>hsm ped c -ip -password 12345678  

Luna PED operation required to connect to Remote PED - use orange PED key(s).  

Warning:  You provided "-password" option, but either 
the Remote PED Vector has already been initialized or HSM is not zeroized. 

"-password" option provided was ignored. 

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Using incorrect number of digits for “-password” option

lunash:>hsm ped c -ip -password 1234  

Syntax Error: password parameter 1234 for option -password is shorter than minimum length 8  

Command Result : 22 (Invalid argument)  

Syntax:      hsm ped connect [-ip <ipaddress>] [-port <port>] [-serial <serialnum>] [-force]  

Option(s)         Short     Parameter                Description  
-ip               -i        <ipaddress>              IP Address  
-port             -po       <port>                   Network Port (0-65535)  
-serial           -s        <serialnum>              Token Serial Number  
-force            -f        .                        Force Action  

Setup a remote PED connection.