Tenant Details
Service Provider Administrators can review tenant account and tenant subscription details from the Tenants tab. The Tenants tab provides a high-level overview of the Subscriber Tenants and Service Provider Tenants in the Tenant Details Table.
Click the tenant name in the Tenant Name column of the Tenant Details Table to access the Tenant Details Page for the tenant.
Tenant details table
The Tenant Details table provides a high-level overview of tenant accounts in DPoD. The Tenant Details table lists all child tenants and contains the following information:
- Status - The tenant account status. The status column can have the Active or Failed value.
- Tenant Name - The tenant name. Clicking the tenant name in this column redirects the user to the associated Tenant Details Page.
- Subscriptions - Lists the state of the subscription status for the tenant.
- Not Submitted - The tenant has not submitted a purchase request. The tenant administrator needs to purchase a service subscription and complete billing registration, or the service provider administrator has rejected the request and the tenant administrator needs to submit a new request.
- Requires Approval - The tenant has attempted to purchase a service subscription and is waiting for approval from the service provider.
- Approved - The service provider has approved the subscription and billing registration for the tenant has been completed.
- N/A - The tenant existed before purchasing a service subscription was introduced to the user interface. Contact Thales to update the tenant.
- Account Type - The tenant account type. Possible types include:
- Tenant - A tenant account for customers to try and purchase DPoD services.
- Service Provider - A service provider account for distributing and managing DPoD tenants.
- Tenant Admin - Lists the name of the primary tenant administrator or service provider administrator account for the tenant.
- Country - Lists the country of origin for the tenant.
- Actions - The column contains a drop-down menu which provides service provider administrators quick access to the following capabilities:
- Delete Tenant - Opens a confirmation dialog, and on approval removes the tenant.
See Purchasing a Service Subscription for more information about the purchasing process.
Tenant details page
The Tenant Details page is accessed from the Tenant Details table and provides further information about the tenant account and the tenants administrator or service provider administrator. The tenant details are available under Tenant Account and the administrator details are available under Admin User. Minimum service commitments, if the Initial Elections form has been submitted, are visible in the Initial DPoD Service Elections section.
New service elections requiring approval
A subscriber tenants initial service elections are visible in this panel. Service provider administrators may approve or reject the initial service elections for the tenant. The subscriber tenants service elections are a billable service commitment. By approving the service election the service provider administrator accepts the tenants billing registration and permits the tenant to purchase additional service subscriptions.
For more information about subscriptions see Purchasing a Service Subscription.
The form may have one of three states:
- Not Submitted - The form requires completion and submission by a tenant administrator.
- Requires Approval - The form has been submitted and requires a response from the service provider administrator.
- Approved - The form has been approved by the service provider administrator. The tenant has completed billing registration and is permitted to purchase additional service subscriptions.
Once the form has been approved in the DPoD user interface, subsequent subscriber tenant subscriptions are administered through email. For more information about Thales DPoD email communications see Platform Communications.
Tenant account
The Tenant Account section provides important details about the tenant:
- Account Name - Tenant account name. A label for identifying the tenant.
- Account ID - Tenant account ID used for operations over the DPoD-API.
- Hostname - Tenant access URL.
- Account Type - Tenant account type options include service provider or tenant.
- HSMoD Service Quota - The number of Luna Cloud HSM Services that the tenant is entitled to create. CipherTrust Key Management Services do not count towards the Luna Cloud HSM Service Quota.
- Account Status - All tenant accounts have the Active status.
- Company Name - The company registered for the tenant, if unavailable the entry will read Not Provided.
- Company Department - The company department registered for the tenant, if unavailable the entry will read Not Provided.
- Country - Country of origin for the tenant.
- City - The city registered for the tenant, if unavailable the entry will read Not Provided.
- Billing Address - Billing Address for the tenant, if unavailable the entry will read Not Provided.
- Zip/Postal Code - The zip/postal code registered for the tenant, if unavailable the entry will read Not Provided.
- State/Province/Region - The state/province/region registered for the tenant.
- Created At - The date the tenant was created.
- Updated At - The most recent date when the tenant account details were edited or modified.
Admin user
The Admin User section contains contact information about the tenant administrator or service provider administrator who originally configured the tenant.