In the specific JSON file (for example, en.json) under C:\Program Files\SafeNet\Windows Logon\Languages, you need to manually map the earlier ccl file key value (available at C:\Program Files\SafeNet\Windows Logon\Languages\en) to customize text as per the reference given below:
Ensure that you do not change the Keys. You only need to map the messages corresponding to the Keys' value.
Keys (before v4.1.0) | Keys (v4.1.0 and above) | Message |
0 | wla-Challenge-0 | Please respond to the challenge: |
1 | wla-Reauth-1 | Please re-authenticate, using the next response. Your new PIN is: |
2 | wla-NewPIN-2 | Please enter a new PIN. |
3 | wla-NextResponse-3 | Please re-authenticate, using the next response. |
4 | wla-PasswordExpired-4 | Your password has expired. Please enter a new one. |
5 | wla-PasswordFailed-5 | Password change failed. Please enter a new one. |
6 | wla-PINFailed-6 | PIN change failed. Please enter a new one. |
7 | wla-AuthFailed-7 | Authentication failed. Please try another passcode or contact your system administrator. |
8 | wla-AuthSuccess-8 | Authentication successful! |
9 | wla-AuthLock-9 | Your authenticator is locked. Please contact your administrator. |
10 | wla-IncorrectPIN-10 | The PIN you entered is incorrect. |
11 | wla-PINChangeCancelled-11 | PIN change cancelled. |
12 | wla-PINShort-12 | The PIN you entered is too short. |
27 | wla-ChangePassword-27 | Change your password |
28 | wla-NewPassword-28 | New password: |
29 | Uwla-ConfirmPassword-29 | Confirm password: |
30 | wla-Ok-30 | OK |
31 | wla-Cancel-31 | Cancel |
32 | wla-EmptyPassword-32 | Empty password |
33 | wla-EmptyConfirm-33 | Empty confirmation |
34 | wla-UnmatchedValue-34 | Values do not match. |
35 | wla-ChangePIN-35 | Change your PIN |
36 | wla-NewPIN-36 | New PIN: |
37 | wla-ConfirmPIN-37 | Confirm PIN: |
38 | wla-OK-38 | OK |
39 | wla-Cancel-39 | Cancel |
40 | wla-EmptyPIN-40 | Empty PIN |
41 | wla-EmptyConfirm-41 | Empty confirmation |
42 | wla-UnmatchedValue-42 | Values do not match. |
52 | wla-RespondChallenge-52 | Please respond to the challenge: |
53 | wla-EnterChallenge-53 | (Enter the challenge) |
54 | wla-Authenticator-54 | Authenticator: |
55 | wla-Passcode-55 | Passcode: |
56 | Awla-Manual-56 | Manual |
57 | wla-OK-57 | OK |
58 | wla-Cancel-58 | Cancel |
59 | wla-PIN-59 | PIN: |
60 | wla-NewPassword-60 | New password: |
61 | wla-ConfirmPassword-61 | Confirm password: |
62 | wla-Ok-62 | OK |
63 | wla-Cancel-63 | Cancel |
64 | wla-EmptyPassword-64 | Empty password |
65 | wla-EmptyConfirm-65 | Empty confirmation |
66 | wla-UnmatchValue-66 | Values do not match. |
67 | wla-Authenticator-67 | Authenticator: |
68 | wla-UnlockChallenge-68 | Unlock challenge: |
69 | wla-ServerResponse-69 | Server response: |
70 | wla-NewPIN-70 | New PIN: |
71 | wla-ConfirmPIN-71 | Confirm PIN: |
72 | wla-NotinUse-72 | Not in use |
73 | wla-OK-73 | OK |
74 | wla-Cancel-74 | Cancel |
75 | wla-LockedAuthenticator-75 | Your authenticator is locked. Please contact your system administrator to get the server response. Then unlock your authenticator with a new PIN. |
79 | wla-SelectAuth-79 | Please select an authenticator |
80 | wla-SelectAuthFor-80 | Please select an authenticator for %s |
81 | wla-Signin-81 | Sign in to: %s |
82 | wla-To-82 | to: |
83 | wla-ChangePasswordFirst-83 | You need to change your password first |
84 | wla-ValidationFailed-84 | Password validation failed. Please try again. |
85 | wla-ExceedAttempts-85 | You [%s] exceeded allowed attempts [%i] |
86 | wla-ValidationFailed-86 | Password validation failed. Please try again. |
87 | wla-EnterPassword-87 | Enter your password |
88 | wla-ChangePassword-88 | You cannot sign in without changing your password. |
89 | wla-Offline-89 | You seem to be offline. Please make sure you’re connected to the internet and try again. |
90 | wla-AuthFailed-90 | Stong authentication failed |
91 | wla-AuthInitializationFailed-91 | Strong authentication initialization failed. Please contact your system administrator. |
92 | wla-SpecialCharacters-92 | Username cannot be blank or contain any of the following special characters: / \\ [ ] : ; | = + * ? < > @ \" |
93 | wla-RadiusServerDown-93 | Either primary and secondary RADIUS servers are down or not configured correctly. Will try to authenticate user on SafeNet Server(s) |
94 | wla-ServerUnreachable-94 | All strong authentication servers are not reachable. We cannot sign you in. Please contact your system administrator |
95 | wla-OfflineCount-95 | You are allowed only %i offline sign in. Please sign in while connected to your local area network as soon as possible. |
96 | wla-OfflineAuthNotAllowed-96 | Offline authentication is no longer allowed. Please sign in while connected to your local area network to continue. |
97 | wla-AuthFailed-97 | Authentication failed. Verify credentials or sign in while connected to the local area network. |
98 | wla-ValidResponse-98 | You need a valid response to the server challenge to sign in |
99 | wla-PINChange-99 | PIN change |
100 | wla-ChangePIN-100 | You need to change your PIN before you can sign in |
101 | wla-ChangePassword-101 | You need to change your password before you can sign in |
102 | wla-ValidResponse-102 | You need a valid response to the server challenge to sign in |
103 | wla-PINFailed-103 | PIN change failed. Please enter a new one. |
104 | wla-ChangePassword-104 | You need to change your password. |
105 | wla-ChangePasswordSuccess-105 | Password changed successfully! |
106 | wla-ChangedPasswordSaved-106 | Your password has been changed and saved. |
107 | wla-PasswordChanged-107 | You password has been changed. |
108 | wla-NewPassword-108 | Please enter your new password. |
109 | wla-Password-109 | Enter your password |
110 | wla-Username-110 | Please enter a username |
111 | wla-PasscodePattern-111 | Enter the passcode corresponding to your chosen pattern. |
112 | wla-Passcode-112 | Passcode: |
113 | wla-Grid-113 | GrIDsure |
114 | wla-Signin-114 | Sign in |
115 | wla-Cancel-115 | Cancel |
116 | wla-GridFailed-116 | Failed to generate a grid pattern. Please try again or contact your system administrator. |
117 | wla-GridFailed2-117 | Failed to generate a grid pattern. Please contact your system administrator. |
118 | wla-OnlyPassword-118 | Your account does not require strong authentication. You can sign in using only your password. |
119 | wla-UseGrid-119 | Use a grid pattern |
120 | wla-Passcode-120 | Enter a passcode |
121 | wla-Challenge-121 | Challenge / Response |
122 | wla-LoginRequest-122 | Enter a passcode OR leave blank to receive a login request. |
123 | wla-Username-123 | Username: |
124 | wla-Domain-124 | Domain: |
125 | wla-IP-125 | IP address: |
126 | wla-Passcode-126 | Passcode: |
127 | wla-LoginRequest-127 | Enter a passcode OR leave blank to receive a login request. |
128 | wla-OK-128 | OK |
129 | wla-Cancel-129 | Cancel |
130 | wla-StrongAuth-130 | Strong Authentication |
131 | wla-UseAuthenticator-131 | To use your authenticator, either submit a blank field or, enter a valid username and then tab to another field. |
132 | wla-DomainorUsername-132 | Domain \\ Username: |
133 | wla-WindowsPassword-133 | Windows password: |
134 | wla-Passcode-134 | Enter the passcode: |
135 | wla-OK-135 | OK |
136 | wla-Cancel-136 | Cancel |
137 | wla-StrongAuth-137 | Strong Authentication |
138 | wla-ServerUnreachable-138 | All strong authentication servers are not reachable. We cannot sign you in. Please contact your system administrator. |
139 | wla-AuthnotRequired-139 | Strong authentication is not required for this user. |
140 | wla-PasscodeToChosenPattern-140 | Enter the passcode corresponding to your chosen pattern. |
141 | wla-Password-141 | Enter your password. |
142 | wla-InvalidUsername-142 | Please enter a valid username and try again. |
143 | wla-InvalidPassword-143 | Please enter a valid password and try again. |
144 | wla-EmptyUsername-144 | The passcode cannot be empty. To generate a challenge, enter a valid username and then tab to another field. |
145 | wla-FailedChallenge-145 | Failed to generate a challenge. A challenge can only be generated for users with a grid pattern authenticator.. |
146 | wla-AuthFailed-146 | Authentication failure: m_authCommon is not initialized. |
147 | wla-UnknownAuth-147 | The authentication server is unknown. Please contact your system administrator. |
148 | wla-CancelledAuth-148 | The authentication was canceled. |
149 | wla-LocationHeader-149 | Lost location header. |
150 | wla-TimeOut-150 | The login request timed-out. |
151 | wla-AuthIDTranfer-151 | The authentication ID transferred in the request was not present on the system. |
152 | wla-ConcurrentRequest-152 | If two concurrent parking requests arrive at the OOB Service, the older request is rejected with a 409 Conflict. The newer is parked and waits for OOBS callback. |
153 | wla-InvalidResponse-153 | Invalid response received from SPS. Authentication failed. |
154 | wla-ResponseStatus-154 | Response status from SafeNet after error. |
155 | wla-InvalidSOAP-155 | SOAP call returned invalid value. Will return authentication failure. |
156 | wla-XMLFailed-156 | Returned XML cannot be loaded. Authentication failed. |
157 | wla-XMLFailed-157 | It wasn't me. |
158 | wla-IMadeMistake-158 | I made a mistake. |
159 | wla-InvalidReturned-159 | Returned invalid value. Will return authentication failure. |
160 | wla-cancelRequest-160 | Canceling request ... |
161 | wla-PasscodeOk-161 | Select OK and then enter a passcode. |
162 | wla-NewLogin-162 | Please send a new login request or enter a passcode. |
163 | wla-Passcode-163 | Enter a passcode. |
164 | wla-ApproveLogin-164 | Approve the login request that was sent to your MobilePASS+ authenticator. |
165 | wla-Request-165 | Request pending from |
167 | wla-UnusedString-167 | LAST STRING NOT IN USE!!! |
168 | wla-AuthTimeOut-168 | The authentication request timed out. We cannot sign you in. Please try again. |
169 | wla-OtherOption-169 | Other options |
170 | wla-AuthFailed-170 | Authenticator list failed to load. Enter a passcode OR leave blank to receive a login request. |
171 | wla-NoAuthFound-171 | No authenticators found for this user. Please contact your administrator. |
172 | wla-IncorrectNumber-172 | Incorrect number. Please try again. |
173 | wla-ApprovalNotReceived-173 | We did not receive your approval. Please try again or use another option. |
174 | wla-UnverifiedAccount-174 | We were unable to verify your account. Please check with your local administrator. |
175 | wla-InvalidUser-175 | Invalid User or organization. |
176 | wla-EmergencyPasswordNotVerified-176 | No emergency password available. Please contact your administrator. |
177 | wla-PasswordlessAuth-177 | It seems Passwordless Authentication is not working. Please enter your Windows Password. |
178 | wla-AuthSuccess-178 | Authentication Successful.\r\n\r\nFor offline access please contact your administrator.\r\nIgnore this message if offline access is not needed. |