network interface bonding disable

Disable network interface bond0 or bond1.

CAUTION!   Using Luna Appliance Software 7.8.3 or older, once the default route is added to the bonded interface, disabling the bond for any reason will cause a loss of SSH connectivity to the Luna Network HSM 7. It is highly recommended that you configure manual routes on at least one of the secondary interfaces within the bonded interface (eth0 or eth1 for bond0, eth2 or eth3 for bond1). Refer to Disabling a Bonded Interface.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




network interface bonding disable -name <netbond> [-keeproutes] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without being prompted.
-keeproutes -k

Using Luna Appliance Software 7.8.4 and older, when a bonded interface is disabled, all associated routes are also deleted automatically as part of interface cleanup. Specify this option to preserve static routes.

Using Luna Appliance Software 7.8.5 and newer, when a bonded interface is disabled, all associated static routes are also deleted automatically as part of interface cleanup. Specify this option to preserve them.

NOTE   If you had a manual route configured on the bonded interface, and you specify -keeproutes, you can use lunash:> network route show to confirm that the route was preserved. The route information for the inactive bond does not appear in the output for lunash:> network show.

-name <netbond> -n

Specifies the bonded interface you want to disable.

Valid values: bond0, bond1


lunash:>network interface bonding disable -name bond0
WARNING! All network connections through bond0 will be interrupted.
WARNING! A default route is present on this interface. Disabling this network interface
         will also remove associated default route.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'
> proceed

Activating eth0...
Activating eth1...

Command Result : 0 (Success)