cluster member list

Display a list of members on the cluster and their member IDs. In the list, a "P" notes the primary cluster member, and an asterisk (*) notes the Luna Network HSM 7's local member.

NOTE   Thales recommends Luna Appliance Software 7.8.3 with cluster package 1.0.3, Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.2, and Luna HSM Client 10.6.0 to use clusters.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:





cluster member list -clusterid <UUID>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-clusterid <UUID> -c Specifies the UUID of the cluster to display members for.


lunash:>cluster member list -clusterid ac2a0f56-626e-4c91-a379-489b789a47e7

     Name                             Authorized Group      ID
*    LNH-532018                       Yes        local      91ae1281-8cc6-489e-97a5-8b2885057a72
 P   LNH-66331                        Yes        local      7d5b53d9-57fb-41de-b97c-95cc6ab41a3c

Command Result : 0 (Success)

NOTE    The following marks are associated with the cluster member states:

>* - The member is local.

>P - The member is primary in the cluster.

>R - Cluster service on the member has been flagged for automatic recovery and will soon restart.

>x - The member is not visible to the local member.