Upgrade CDP
The CDP for DB2 is regularly updated to include new features and provide fixes to any issues occurring in previous releases. Upgrading the existing CDP software brings the new features added and enhancements made to the product since the CDP installation.
The upgrade process reloads all executables, stored procedures, user defined functions, and the CDP_DB2.properties file. After the upgrade, the old properties file is renamed (version and build number of old CDP software is added as suffix) and archived under the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext/archive directory. A new properties file is created in the installation directory. To edit these parameters, the values can be copied from the old properties file stored in the archive folder.
To upgrade the CDP software, the installer must be run in the upgrade_db
Before upgrading CDP, make sure that views and triggers are dropped, otherwise, the system aborts the upgradation.
Log on to the system.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux or AIX:
Log on as a db2 instance owner to set the DB2 environment variables. Then log on as root (su) to ensure that the JDK can be accessed.
Open a command prompt window, and navigate to the directory where the extracted CDP file is placed. Then, navigate to the CDP-DB2 directory.
Run the following command:
./install.sh upgrade_db <destination_db>
For Windows:
Log on as a user that is part of the DB2 admin group.
Open a command prompt window, and navigate to the directory where the extracted CDP file is placed. Then, navigate to the CDP-DB2 directory.
Run the following command:
install.bat upgrade_db <destination_db>
Supply the following information when prompted:
Confirms the restarting of the required database.
Confirms whether the existing DB2 version is equal to or greater than 9.7.
For the above confirmations, if
is entered, upgrade continues. Ifn
is entered in any of the steps, the upgrade aborts and displays the corresponding error message.Password for the ingrian user.
NAE Server IP address.
Full path and file name for the log file. Write access to this file is required.
To upgrade metadata on the database where it was installed, run the installer in upgrade_metadata
mode. Ensure that the existing full installation on another database in the same DB2 instance is upgraded to the same version before using this mode.