Install CDP using Chef Scripts
CDP for DB2 is verified to work with Chef Scripts and can be installed remotely at cloud. It is understood that the user is aware about working of Chef Scripts and how to set-up the Chef Server, Workstations and Nodes. The following screen displays the flow of silent installation of CDP using Chef Scripts.
Before installing the CDP, the Nodes should meet the installation pre-requisites. The Node and Workstation can be Windows/Linux machines, whereas the Chef Server must be a Linux machine.
The user authors the recipe and uploads it to the Chef Server using the command-line. The recipe to invoke the Node is run through the command-line. The Node fetches the recipe and other data from the Chef Server and installs the same.
The sample recipe used to perform silent installation of CDP through the command-line in Windows machine:
package "installPDBWindows" do
Dir.chdir "<CDP installer install.bat location in Windows>"
exec "install.bat install ingrian"
The sample recipe used to perform silent installation of CDP through the command-line in Linux machine:
package "installPDBLinux" do
Dir.chdir "<CDP installer location in Linux>"
exec "./ install ingrian"
The message for successful installation or any error message is displayed on the console.