See: Description
Class | Description |
LunaCipher |
The LunaCipher abstract class serves as a base class for all cipher engine classes.
LunaCipherAESCbc |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode AES.
LunaCipherAEScbcISO10126Pad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode AES with ISO-10126 padding
LunaCipherAESCbcPad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode AES with PKCS#5 padding
LunaCipherAESCfb128 |
Cipher subclass for CFB128-mode AES
LunaCipherAESCfb8 |
Cipher subclass for CFB8-mode AES
LunaCipherAESCtr |
Cipher subclass for CTR-mode AES
LunaCipherAESEcb |
Cipher subclass for ECB-mode AES.
LunaCipherAESGcm |
Cipher subclass for GCM-mode AES.
LunaCipherAESKw |
Cipher subclass for KW-mode AES.
LunaCipherAESKwp |
Cipher subclass for KWP-mode AES.
LunaCipherAESOfb |
Cipher subclass for OFB-mode AES
LunaCipherARIACbc |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode ARIA
LunaCipherARIAcbcISO10126Pad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode ARIA with ISO-10126 padding
LunaCipherARIACbcPad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode ARIA with PKCS#5 padding
LunaCipherARIACfb128 |
Cipher subclass for CFB128-mode ARIA
LunaCipherARIACfb8 |
Cipher subclass for CFB8-mode ARIA
LunaCipherARIACtr |
Cipher subclass for CTR-mode ARIA
LunaCipherARIAEcb |
Cipher subclass for ECB-mode ARIA.
LunaCipherARIAOfb |
Cipher subclass for OFB-mode ARIA
LunaCipherDES3Cbc |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode DES3
LunaCipherDES3CbcISO10126Pad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode DES3 with ISO-10126 padding
LunaCipherDES3CbcPad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode DES3 with PKCS#5 padding
LunaCipherDES3Ctr |
Cipher subclass for CTR-mode DES3
LunaCipherDES3Ecb |
Cipher subclass for ECB-mode DES3.
LunaCipherDESCbc |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode DES.
LunaCipherDESCbcPad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode DES with PKCS#5 padding
LunaCipherDESEcb |
Cipher subclass for ECB-mode DES
LunaCipherECIES |
Cipher subclass for ECIES
LunaCipherPBE |
Abstract cipher subclass to group the PBE mechanisms.
LunaCipherPBEWithMD2AndDES |
Cipher subclass for PBE with MD2 and DES
LunaCipherPBEWithSHA1AndDESede |
Cipher subclass for PBE with SHA1 and DESede
LunaCipherRC2Cbc |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode RC2
LunaCipherRC2CbcPad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode RC2 with PKCS#5 padding
LunaCipherRC2Ecb |
Cipher subclass for ECB-mode RC2
LunaCipherRC4 |
Cipher subclass for RC4 stream cipher
LunaCipherRC5Cbc |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode RC5
LunaCipherRC5CbcPad |
Cipher subclass for CBC-mode RC5 with PKCS#5 padding
LunaCipherRC5Ecb |
Cipher subclass for ECB-mode RC5
LunaCipherRSAOAEP |
Cipher subclass for RSA with OAEP padding
LunaCipherRSAOAEPWithSHA1 |
Cipher subclass for RSA OAEP with SHA1
LunaCipherRSAOAEPWithSHA224 |
Cipher subclass for RSA OAEP with SHA224
LunaCipherRSAOAEPWithSHA256 |
Cipher subclass for RSA OAEP with SHA256
LunaCipherRSAOAEPWithSHA384 |
Cipher subclass for RSA OAEP with SHA384
LunaCipherRSAOAEPWithSHA512 |
Cipher subclass for RSA OAEP with SHA512
LunaCipherRSAPKCS |
Cipher subclass for RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding (i.e.
LunaCipherRSAX509 |
Cipher subclass for RSA with no padding
LunaRSAOAEPEncoder |
Class introduced to perform RSA OAEP encoding/decoding in software as part of HAPP-103.
Enum | Description |
LunaCipher.Padding |
padding options
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