REST API  5.0.0
REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs
STC Configuration and Partition Identify Description

STC Configuration and Partition Identity Description

    activationTimeout: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  activationTimeout is the maximum time in seconds allowed to establish
                      the STC link before the channel request is dropped.  The range is 
                      1 to 240 seconds.

           ciphers: string (see GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid/stc/ciphers

           clients: string (see GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid/stc/clients

    fingerprint: Object
        type:  string
        description:  fingerprint is the cryptographic hash of the certificate
                      used to establish the secure trusted channel between a 
                      client application and a partition.

           hmacs: string (see GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid/stc/hmacs

    publicKey: Object
        type:  string
        description:  publicKey is the public key component used to secure the 
                      trusted channel between the partition and the client.
                      publicKey is BASE64-encoded.
    rekeyThreshold: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  rekeyThreshold is the number of times to use the symmetric key
                      to encrypt data on an STC link.  When this threshold is
                      reached, the HSM regenerates the symmetric key.  The range is
                      0 to 4000 million uses.

    replayThreshold: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  replayThreshold is the number of packets tracked to provide
                      anti-replay protection.  The range is 100 to 1000 packets.