REST API  4.0.0
REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs


    tasks: Object
    type:  array
        items: Object
            finishTime: Object
                type:  string
                description:  finishTime records when the tasked resource completed.  
            instance: Object
                type:  string
                description:  instance is a unique internal reference for the task.  
                              Use this instance to query for more details of the task.
            responseUrl: Object
                type:  string
                description:  responseUrl is the resource for the results of the task
                              when it is Finished.

            sourceUrl: Object
                type:  string
                description:  sourceUrl is the resource that resulted in the task.

            startTime: Object
                type:  string
                description:  startTime records when the tasked resource began.  

            state: Object
                type:  string
                description:  state is the progress of the tasked resource.

            details: Object
                type:  string
                description:  details is the descriptions of the task.

                           See Tasks for the different states and their meaning.