REST API  4.0.0
REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs



    actionsMethod: string (see Actions)

    authenticationMethod: string (see Authentication Method)

    countersUrl: string (see Counter)

    debugInfo: Object
        type: string
        description:  debugInfo is base 64-encoded text returned by the HSM.  The information 
                      is useful to Gemalto engineers but otherwise is of little value to
                      end users.

    driverTimeout: Object
        type: integer
        description:  driverTimeout specifies the number of seconds the device driver waits
                      for a reply to an HSM request after which the driver fails the operation.
    fipsModeEnabled: Object
        type: boolean
        description:  fipsModeEnabled indicates whether the HSM is configured and operating
                      in a mode compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements.  TRUE means the
                      HSM is in a compliant mode; FALSE, is not in a compliant mode.

    firmwareUrl: string (see Firmware)

    firmwareVersion: Object
        type: string
        description:  firmwareVersion is a three-component identifier to represent the
                      variant of the firmware on the HSM.  Periods separate the three
                      components:  a major number, a minor number and a patch number.
                      Example:  "6.22.2"

    label: Object
        type: string
        description:  label is a human-friendly name for the HSM. 
                      Example: "SQL-crypto"

    licensesUrl: string (see Licenses)

    loggedIn: Object
        type: boolean
        description:  loggedIn indicates whether the Security Officer is
                      authenticated to the HSM.  TRUE means that the Security Officer
                      is authenticated and is authorized to administer the HSM; FALSE, is
                      not authorized.

    model: string (see Model)

    partitionsUrl: string (see Partitions)

    partNumber: Object
        type: string
        description:  partNumber indicates the version of the PCI-E card that is installed
                      On SA6, the partNumber is null

    pedsUrl: string (see PEDs)

    pkiEnabled: Object
        type: boolean
        description:  pkiEnabled indicates whether the HSM is configured to be accessed via
                      public key-based certificates.  TRUE means that the HSM is configured for
                      PKI access; FALSE, in not configured for PKI access.

    policiesUrl: string (see HSM Policies)

    rolesUrl: string (see HSM Roles)

    storageSpace: RestObjectStorageSpace (see HSM StorageSpace)

    supportInfo: Object
        type: string
        description:  supportInfo is reserved for future use.

    tamperUrl: string (see HSM Tampers)

    updatesUrl: string (see HSM Updates)

        zeroized: Object
        type: boolean
        description:  zeroized indicates whether the HSM is in a state where all cryptographic
                      material is inaccessible.  A zeroized HSM requires re-initialization before
                      it becomes capable of generating cryptographic keys and performing
                      cryptographic operation.  TRUE means that the HSM is zeroized; FALSE, is 
                      not zeroized.

See Also
